Tutorials about stock photography in sign languages

Learn how to create photos for selling online to stock photo market, how to set up camera, how to do photo postproduction, how to make profile (upload photos, make description, keywords) how to organize future work.

Tutorials (Video manuals) are titled and translated in sign language for deaf youth in 7 languages: Albanian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Montenegrin, Romanian, Serbian and Turkish but we plan to add more as we go. 

All tutorials you can find at: www.usetutorial.com

Read more about project and team:

We are:
Team is made from organizations, institutions and individual experts, youth workers, social workers who work on improving education of deaf youth.

Our goal is:
Making positive social changes will lead to more humane and better world and future.

Our Aim is:
To improve and increase entrepreneurship of deaf youth using non-formal learning methods regarding commercial stock photography.

About Project: 
Original name of this long term international project is "Realize with your eyes" (602430-EPP-1-2018-1-RS-EPPKA2-CBY-WB) that is co-funded by Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commision. It is about supporting unemployed deaf youth through learning how to use photography possibilities for employment/entrepreneurship.

Aim of Project:
-Opening new opportunities for deaf youth jobs
-Teaching new methods for support unemployed deaf youth
-Making a network for international support of creative deaf youth entrepreneurs
-Making a Video Tutorial for using the methods of commercial stock photography for deaf youth entrepreneurship


To improve skills and practical knowledge of deaf youth and youth workers working with deaf youth. 

Creative deaf youth jobs      
To create new opportunities for development of deaf youth entrepreneurship using methods of commercial stock photography.

This project offers skills that can be used directly on the stock photography market and can support entrepreneurship amongst people with hearing impairment.

To develop a network for international support of creative deaf youth entrepreneurs.

To create a video manuals about commercial stock photography for deaf youth entrepreneurs.

Global market  
To educate deaf youth photographers about techniques and standards to be according to the the global market standards.

Project is co-funded by Erasmus + Programme of the European Commision

Tags: get new job, creative jobs for deaf, photography job for deaf youth, deaf youth creative entrepreneurs, work from home for deaf, earning by selling photos online, learning about photography in sign language